Social Media
Social Media offers a plethora of tools to get your message out. Whether it’s a thought, photograph or video, Social Media Marketing can boost your internet presence – which in turn can increase product and service awareness!
According to Adobe, the top 7 social media platforms are:

Social Media Marketing
Social media is a double edged sword. Like any other type of marketing, you need to set out a plan and stick to it. So many times, people will start a campaign, then realize it’s more work than they thought and abandon the entire project. But others, will find its advantages and can’t wait to upload their next post.
Here are some of the basics:
Who’s your target audience
What platform best reaches your customers
Develop the right message in the right way
How often do you need to post
And stick with your plan
We’ve seen client’s Facebook pages that haven’t been updated for well over a year. When asked why, we’re told they just don’t have the time to keep it up to date. But, since someone told them they should have one, they won’t take it down.
The Do's and Dont's
So if you’re going to start a campaign, you need to keep it updated and fresh. Each platform has it’s own recommendations as to how often you need to post. Here are some caveats:
Too many posts, people will unsubscribe
Too little and no one will revisit
Too much leaning in one direction (politics, religion, social events) can drive subscribers away
Unless your interests are these topics
Too much of a sales pitch could turn people off
Too irrelevant posts will send subscribers running