About Peregrine Associates
Peregrine Associates started on January 1, 1987 with our humble beginnings originating in a spare bedroom. From there, we have grown to a full service agency with our office and showroom located in Warrington, Bucks County, PA.
Our services include:
With our team, Peregrine provides over 60 years of combined experience from both a client’s perspective as well as the media production side. This gives us the unique view necessary to help you promote your products, services and people.
Our History
We originally started by marketing new and exciting products. But then the needs or our clients' started to evolve.
When they wanted new business cards, their logos needed to be redesigned
We became graphic designers with light tables, french curves, ​waxers and Xacto blades
And of course, we became printers
Promotional products became a very important addition to our arsenal of services
Then came tri-fold brochures with custom photography
Having been a photographer in a previous life, that was an easy transition​
But remember, 30 years ago the computer was in its infancy, so we used typesetters, pre-press services and more. And there was no such thing as a PDF, so blue lines were used for proofing!
Then came ads in local papers, magazines and other printed media
As an agency, we were able to negotiate with publishers giving our clients the best pricing for their ad campaigns​
25 years ago, when the world wide web became popular with blazing speeds of 28.8k dial-up, our clients' needs once again grew. Today we offer web solutions like websites, eNewsletters, Facebook, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and other social networking services.
What our clients are saying...
"Trustworthy, Dedicated, Quality, Professionalism and Creativeness are some words that come to mind when I think of “Peregrine Associates”. Robert and Barbara are special individuals whom always provide outstanding service to their customers and treat everyone that walks in the front door with dignity and respect. Just like the Peregrine Falcon, Peregrine Associates is precise, articulate and timely delivering their specialized services.
– Brian Webb/ Webb Building Group